. . . love, rosie . . .

hi there!

this blog isn't the first one i've had. in september 2014, i started a blog called 'love, rosaly', on which i basically expressed my thoughts on anything and everything. it's changed a little bit since then, including the name, which is now 'love, rosie', but i still really enjoy writing and sharing things i love - and not just words - on there.

'love, rosie' basically consists of three things: recipes, fashion, and lifestyle. i have not been writing as much as i would like because i am so incredible busy. i'm in my last year of school, after which i'll hopefully be moving out. so yeah. not that much content.

if you want to read more of the things i've written - and slightly longer bits - you can check it out here:

click here to continue to 'love, rosie' >>

if you have any questions, you can find my details under the page '...contact...'

have a lovely day!

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